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Gathering with family and friends might not be possible for this year’s July 4th celebrations – but you can still have a good time!

Even if you’re celebrating at home with your household, there are plenty of ways to keep your chronic pain away to enjoy the day.

Try Anti-Inflammatory Recipes

Food is a really important – and often underestimated – factor in reducing inflammation. Chronic pain may be caused by different things, such as injury or arthritis. However, inflammation around the sore areas is the common thread in all chronic pain cases.

What you eat affects inflammation in your body. So, trying some healthy anti-inflammatory recipes for your July 4th celebrations is a great way to make sure you have tasty food that’s not going to cause your pain to flare up!

BBQ Salmon Recipe

Salmon is great for you. The Omega 3s in oily fish works as an anti-inflammatory, while the protein helps you maintain your muscle mass (essential for strengthening around your pain or injury sites). Asparagus is delicious – and also anti-inflammatory too, alongside delivering a bundle of nutrients in an easy-to-cook package.

Try this super-easy recipe for your summer grill:

Portion: 1 person (easy to multiply for as many portions as you like!)

  • One salmon fillet
  • 6 Asparagus spears
  • Half a lemon, sliced
  • 1 tbsp butter or olive oil
  • Salt, pepper, and seasoning of choice

This recipe is so easy – and prevents lots of mess on the grill, too. Put two pieces of aluminum foil on top of each other (to prevent splits). Lay the asparagus on the foil, then top with the salmon. Wrap the sides together, into a boat shape, then add the butter, seasoning, and lemon slices. Finish wrapping the foil at the top to make a sealed package. Grill on high for around 10 minutes, or until the asparagus is tender.

Super Anti-Inflammatory Salad

Step away from the pasta dishes and breadbasket! Refined carbohydrates are inflammatory triggers that’ll make your pain worse. Instead, opt for a super anti-inflammatory salad.

The great thing about salad is that you can pick and choose the ingredients you like and enjoy eating. If there’s something you prefer, add more – and if you don’t like it, just omit. Pick from a range of anti-inflammatory foods, like tomatoes, leafy greens, olive oil, nuts, and berries.

The turmeric dressing for this recipe suggestion is well worth trying! Turmeric has been used for centuries to help with chronic pain management – and it actually works.

Portion: One hungry person or as two side salads

  • 8 ounces curly kale, sliced
  • Sprinkle of pumpkin seeds
  • ½ avocado, cubed
  • 6 cherry tomatoes, halved

This is your starting point – think about adding things like blueberries, sunflower seeds, or cooked and cooled beets to add extra color, flavor, and anti-inflammatory properties. Throw it all together in a bowl and prepare the dressing.


  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ finely chopped garlic clove (or more, to taste)
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
  • 2 tsp grated ginger (optional)
  • 2 tsp turmeric powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Put it all in a bowl and whisk together. Serve immediately with your salad. If you want to dress the entire salad, an easy way to do this is put the salad in a large Tupperware box. Cover with the dressing, pop the lid on, and shake away for a minute!

Work Out to Relieve Tension

As well as eating well during your 4th July celebrations, think about preparing your body for a long day of fun (especially if you’re able to get out and about to celebrate).

Start your morning with some gentle exercise to relieve tension and prevent muscle strains. Even if you’re not feeling great, a brisk walk or some yoga stretches can help get the blood flowing and reduce the tension in tight muscles.

Working exercise into your daily routine is an excellent way to keep chronic pain at bay, too. Check out our recommendations for safe at-home workouts for chronic pain sufferers.

Ease your pain with BioWaveGO, either before, during, or after your July 4th celebrations. It’s a portable, safe, drug-free pain relief device that’s used by pain sufferers across the country.

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